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Fundraising Kit for Salesforce NPSP v1.39.1 - Backend Upgrades v1.20.x

Backend Upgrade

Backend upgrades are deployed automatically to all customer installations that meet the minimum requirements. This update requires the installation of the RaiseNow Digital Fundraising Kit v1.38 from the Salesforce AppExchange. Contact RaiseNow support for the installation link.

Highlights in this release:

Fundraising Kit for Salesforce NPSP v1.39.1 - Backend Upgrades v1.20.2

Release Date August 8 2024

Bugfixes and stability improvements. This update has been rolled out to all customers using v1.39.1 of our managed package.

Ensure RaiseNow__Transaction_Identifier__c is set on the Opportunity on recurring payments

The process for creating recurring payments did not set Opportunity.RaiseNow__Transaction_Identifier__c on recurring payments managed by the Hub platform. This resulted in a follow-up problem when reconciling these payments in the context of Twint payouts and resulted in duplicate records in Salesforce.

Unmatched referenced payment omitted from batch process

When processing a batch of referenced payments, and that batch contained only references that could not be identified in Salesforce, no batch process was created for these payments. This has now been addressed.

Fundraising Kit for Salesforce NPSP v1.39.1 - Backend Upgrades v1.20.1

Release Date July 29 2024

This upgrade improves support for RaiseNow automated dunning and provides further refinements for the bulkified payment processes.

Compatibility with RaiseNow Dunning

RaiseNow recently introduced a new dunning feature for recurring donations managed via the RaiseNow Hub. There are two notable changes in this release:

  • When processing a failed payment for a recurring donation from RaiseNow Hub, the RaiseNow invoice will now be added to the Opportunity.RaiseNow__Invoice_Identifier__c.
  • Subsequent charge attempts for that same invoice will target the same opportunity.

This improvement avoids creating new Opportunities for each failed charge attempt.

Add configuration option to create RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c for unmatched payments.

In backend version v1.19.0 processing of referenced payments provided in camt files was fundamentally changed. Among those changes was a breaking change that removed creation of RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c for unmatched payments for this process, instead writing the reference only onto the created npe01__OppPayment__c.npe01__Check_Reference_Number__c. This was done because the resulting combination of objects (Contact, RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c, Opportunity) is not necessarily correct for future occurrences of the same payment reference. Notably, when the same reference is used by multiple persons, all subsequent usages of that references will be associated with the first contact processed with that reference.

However, due to dependencies in a customer implementations on that object, this release introduces a configuration option in the backend that allows for the process to again create the RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c for unmatched payments. We advise, that any implementation relying on this object for unmatched references is changed to instead leverage npe01__OppPayment__c.npe01__Check_Reference_Number__c. This should give you the same options for custom implementations but allows for the one-to-many relationship that potentially exists between references and contacts.

Please note, that the default behaviour is still to omit the creation of RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c when processing references that do not exist in Salesforce. Create a support ticket if you wish to make use of this setting.

This change was backported to Fundraising Kit for Salesforce NPSP v1.38.1 - Backend Upgrades v1.19.10 to enable this feature without requiring a major version hike.

Bugfixes and small improvements

  • An edge case was identified and fixed that occurred when RaiseNow queried Salesforce for payment references with an empty result.
  • Minor technical improvements.