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RaiseNow Fundraising Kit for Salesforce Process Overview

One-off payments from RaiseNow Hub

Payments created through the RaiseNow Hub will result in creation of the following objects in Salesforce:

  • (Person/Business) Account
  • Gift Transaction

Recurring commitments from RaiseNow Hub

Subscriptions created through the RaiseNow Hub will now result in the creation of the following objects in Salesforce:

  • (Person/Business) Account
  • Gift Commitment
  • Payment Schedule

Recurring payments from RaiseNow Hub

Payments created through the RaiseNow Hub that are associated with a RaiseNow subscription will result in a new Gift Transaction for the corresponding Gift Commitment in Salesforce. Successful and failed payments will be transferred.

Cancellation of recurring commitments from RaiseNow Hub

If a RaiseNow subscription is cancelled, either from Hub, via API or self-service forms, the corresponding Gift Commitment in Salesforce will be closed.

Suspension of recurring commitments from RaiseNow Hub

If a RaiseNow subscription is suspended, either from Hub, via API or self-service forms, the corresponding Gift Commitment in Salesforce will be lapsed.

Reactivation of suspended recurring commitments from RaiseNow Hub

If a suspended RaiseNow subscription is activated, either from Hub, via API or self-service forms, the corresponding Gift Commitment in Salesforce will be activated.

Always add last4 to Payment Instrument

Due to a bug in the current implementation of the Fundraising Business Process API, the API expects the parameter last4 to be always set, also if the payment method is not a credit card. If the selected payment method is not a credit card, RaiseNow will pass 4242 as the value.

Documentation added with this release:

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