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Highlighted fields provided with the RaiseNowNPOKit

Though the RaiseNow implementation aims to provide a high degree of compliance with the Salesforce interpretation of the NPC data model, there are various use cases which are not covered out-of-the-box. A complete list of RaiseNow fields is supplied here, but we want to highlight a few examples in this section.

RaiseNow Uuids

RaiseNow provides UUIds (Universally Unique Identifier) with every record created in Salesforce. This allows you to track records in RaiseNow systems.


The account in RaiseNow is a subunit of the organisation. This can be used to differentiate different chapters of the same organisation, both inside RaiseNow and in Salesforce.


The subscription designates a recurring GiftCommitment in RaiseNow. It holds the payment schedule information and is used to identify the correct GiftCommitment in Salesforce in order to associate installment payments correctly.


The supporter is the closet object RaiseNow has to an account.


This is a standard field shipped with Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud. In accordance with the data model RaiseNow, this will contain the RaiseNow payment_uuid.

Account fields

  • RaiseNowNPOKit__SupporterLocale__c: A locale provides information about the language and region of the RaiseNow supporter associated with this account. For example:
    • de-CH: German speaking from Switzerland
    • de-DE: German speaking from Germany
  • RaiseNowNPOKit__OptInEmail__c: This is set to true if the donor checked the newsletter subscription box on the donation form.

Tablet Fundraising Use Case

For tablet fundraising you two additional fields are provided:

  • RaiseNowNPOKit__CrmFundraiserIdentifier__c
  • RaiseNowNPOKit__MarketingLocation__c

These fields are supported by partners to provide insights into the efficacy of marketing locations as well as calculate remunerations for face-to-face marketers inside Salesforce. By assigning the same identifier used in your tablet fundraising app to a corresponding account in Salesforce, you can match GiftTransactions for that account.

Tax Receipts

RaiseNow supports generation of tax receipts for payments submitted via RaiseNow touchpoints. If the donor ordered a tax receipt in the tamaro widget, this will be reflected in the GiftTransaction in Salesforce by providing a URI to the generated PDF:

  • RaiseNowNPOKit__DonationReceiptProtectedAccess__c: Use this field for example in email communications to the donor. For reasons of data protection, the donor must enter specific personal details submitted with the donation to have access to that tax receipt.
  • RaiseNowNPOKit__DonationReceiptDirectAccess__c: Use this if you want to process the generated tax receipt directly in Salesforce.