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Configurations propagated to RaiseNow

Configurations with the context default will be propagated to RaiseNow. These settings will be used when the RaiseNow integration layer translates a donation message to the Salesforce NPC data model.


This entry maps the campaign_subid provided in a RaiseNow touchpoint to a valid OutReachSourceCode in Salesforce. As the OutReachSourceCode is the most specific property to identify the source of a particular donation, it is the recommended configuration option.

Automatic update

Except for the wildcard entry, you may set RaiseNowNPOKit__SourceCodeKey__c to automatically update the outreach-source-code-map.

Example - replace with appropriate values for your Salesforce Org and RaiseNow touchpoints:

"*": "SF_ID"

* denotes a wildcard value that defines the corresponding OutReachSourceCode as fallback for all unspecified values.


This entry maps the campaign_id provided in a RaiseNow touchpoint to a valid Campaign in Salesforce. If a touchpoint provides both campaign_id and campaign_subid the campaign_subid/OutReachSourceCode will be preferred over the campaign_id.

Automatic update

Except for the wildcard entry, you may set RaiseNowNPOKit__CampaignKey__c to automatically update the campaign-map.

Example - replace with appropriate values for your Salesforce Org and RaiseNow touchpoints:

"*": "SF_ID"


RaiseNow touchpoints will set two values that allow you to define the correct salutation for your accounts - language and salutation code. The language will be provided as 2-letter ISO code. Supported values for the salutation in RaiseNow are: mx, mr, ms, mrs, other, family, none

The below example maps these value to

"de": {
"family": "family",
"mr": "Mr.",
"mrs": "Mrs.",
"ms": "Ms.",
"mx": "Mx.",
"none": "none",
"other": "other"
"en": {
"family": "family",
"mr": "Mr.",
"mrs": "Mrs.",
"ms": "Ms.",
"mx": "Mx.",
"none": "none",
"other": "other"
"fr": {
"family": "family",
"mr": "Mr.",
"mrs": "Mrs.",
"ms": "Ms.",
"mx": "Mx.",
"none": "none",
"other": "other"
"it": {
"family": "family",
"mr": "Mr.",
"mrs": "Mrs.",
"ms": "Ms.",
"mx": "Mx.",
"none": "none",
"other": "other"
"unknown": {
"family": "family",
"mr": "Mr.",
"mrs": "Mrs.",
"ms": "Ms.",
"mx": "Mx.",
"none": "none",
"other": "other"


Map RaiseNow payment methods as set by RaiseNow touchpoints to payment instruments in Salesforce. The RaiseNow payment method must be mapped to a valid, active value for the picklist field in PaymentInstrument.Type in the Salesforce object configuration.

"card": "Credit Card",
"sepa_dd": "SEPA Direct Debit",
"paypal": "Paypal"
  • Current Salesforce default values: Credit Card, ACH, SEPA Direct Debit, iDeal, Bancontact, BACS Debit, BECS Debit, Paypal, Venmo, Wallet
  • RaiseNow payment method are listed here.


Map RaiseNow status codes to valid values for the GiftTransaction.Status picklist field. Possible RaiseNow status codes are pending, succeeded, failed, refunded, partially_refunded, reversed

"succeeded": "Paid",
"created": "Pending",
"reversed": "Fully Refunded",
"failed": "Failed",
"pending": "Unpaid"


Use this configuration to define a valid Salesforce address type to be used in the Fundraising Business Process API. This must be a valid value in Salesforce according to the picklist in Address.AddressType.


Use this configuration to define the behaviour for the Salesforce Fundraising Business Process API when detecting duplicate accounts in Salesforce. Check the Salesforce documentation for valid values.


Use this configuration to define a bank account for which you want to upload a CAMT file. It is possible to define multiple reconciliation-sources. Please inform RaiseNow support to configure it also on backend side for receiving CAMT files.

  • Configuration Name: Recognizable name for which Bank account you want to upload a CAMT file to RaiseNow
  • Context: reconciliation-source (always)
  • Value: The reconciliation_source_identifier as uuid provided by RaiseNow during Reconciliation onboarding


Use this configuration to define a payment-method-profile for Direct Debit processing. It is possible to define multiple payment-method-profiles. Please inform RaiseNow support to configure it also on backend side for Direct Debit processing.


payment-method-profile uuid, pain008_job_configuration_uuid & account_uuid are provided by RaiseNow during onboarding.

  • Configuration Name: Recognizable name for which payment method (LSV+, PostFinance CH-DD and SEPA Direct Debit) and which bank account to define a payment method profile.
  • Context: payment-method-profile (always)
  • Value:
"uuid": "69ed10cc-5d6b-400c-8d49-f916ce8ab4b4",
"payment_method": "CH-DD",
"pain008_job_configuration_uuid": "4dfaccf2-821c-40b7-8034-340cd9cdaeb4",
"is_default": "true",