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Onboarding Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud

RaiseNow Configurations

The RaiseNowNPOKit__Configuration__c holds the relevant RaiseNow configuration options. Currently, configurations must be submitted in JSON notation. The package will ensure that only valid configurations can be submitted. If you require assistance with this step, reach out to RaiseNow support. An improved user interface is planned for these configurations.

During the initial installation of the RaiseNowNPOKit, default records will be created for your convenience. But you will need to update these records to match your Salesforce Org. See this reference for a complete list of all configurations. You can update the required records directly in Salesforce.


Overview of the required configurations:

  • outreach-source-code-map: Maps the campaign_subid provided in a RaiseNow touchpoint to a valid OutReachSourceCode in Salesforce.
  • campaign-map: Maps the campaign_id provided in a RaiseNow touchpoint to a valid Campaign in Salesforce.
  • salutation-map: Maps the salutation and language provided by a touchpoint to a valid salutation value in Salesforce
  • payment-instrument-map: Maps the RaiseNow payment methods to payment instruments in Salesforce
  • transaction-status-map: Maps RaiseNow status codes to valid values for the GiftTransaction.Status picklist field.
  • address-type: Define the type of address to be set in account objects created in Salesforce. For example: Mailing
  • default-update-logic: Sets the update logic for the Fundraising Business Process API. See this documentation by Salesforce on valid values.

Connecting RaiseNow & Salesforce

You can connect RaiseNow to Salesforce using the Salesforce OAuth2 process. Everything you need for that is shipped with our managed package. Important: When you execute the following process, you define the user that will be listed in Salesforce as the owner of created objects.

During the onboarding process we will provision the integration layer (RICE) for you. The last step in that process requires you to authorize the RaiseNow connection. You will receive a link and credentials to our self-onboarding tool for this purpose. The guided process will lead you through the authorization with Salesforce. In this step, the above configurations you submitted in Salesforce will be retrieved for the first time. Subsequent changes to those configurations will be propagated to RaiseNow automatically.