Fields shipped with the RaiseNowNPOKit
The following fields are automatically created in Salesforce when you installed the RaiseNowNPOKit from the Salesforce AppExchange.
Our fields are prefixed with the namespace RaiseNowNPOKit__, and since they are all custom fields in Salesforce, they also have the required suffix __c. For better readability, both the prefix and suffix are omitted in the list below.
Example usage: SupporterUuid is represented as RaiseNowNPOKit__SupporterUuid__c in our RaiseNowNPOKit.
Introduced in version | Data Type | Field Label | Field Name | Length | Required | Unique => Case insensitive/Case sensitive | External ID | Default Value |
1.0 | Text | Supporter Uuid | SupporterUuid | 36 | N | Y/Y/N | Y | - |
1.0 | Text | Supporter Address Addendum | SupporterAddressAddendum | 255 | N | N | N | - |
1.0 | Text | Supporter Post Office Box | SupporterPostOfficeBox | 255 | N | N | N | - |
1.0 | Text | Supporter Locale | SupporterLocale | 255 | N | N | N | - |
1.0 | Checkbox | Opt-In Email | OptInEmail | BOOLEAN | N | N | N | false |
1.1 | Text | Supporter Salutation | SupporterSalutation | 255 | N | N | N | - |
Introduced in version | Data Type | Field Label | Field Name | Length | Required | Unique => Case insensitive/Case sensitive | External ID | Default Value |
2.0.0 | Text | Payment Request Reference | PaymentRequestReference | 36 | N | N | Y | - |
Introduced in Version | Data Type | Field Label | Field Name | Length | Required | Unique => Case insensitive/Case sensitive | External ID | Default Value |
1.0 | Checkbox | Donation Receipt Requested | DonationReceiptRequested | N | N | false | ||
1.0 | Text | Crm Fundraiser Identifier | CrmFundraiserIdentifier | 255 | N | Y | - | |
1.0 | Text | Marketing Location | MarketingLocation | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Analytics Channel | AnalyticsChannel | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Currency | Analytics Preselected Amount | AnalyticsPreselectedAmount | 14:2 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Analytics Suggested Amounts | AnalyticsSuggestedAmounts | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Product Name | ProductName | 500 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Product Source Url | ProductSourceUrl | 500 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Solution Name | SolutionName | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Solution Uuid | SolutionUuid | 36 | Y/Y/N | Y | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Donor Message | DonorMessage | 1000 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Attachment | Attachment | 2000 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Subscription Link | SubscriptionLink | 500 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Subscription Uuid | SubscriptionUuid | 36 | Y/Y/N | Y | - | |
1.0 | Currency | Cover Transaction Fee Amount | CoverTransactionFeeAmount | 14:2 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Account Uuid | AccountUuid | 36 | N | Y | - | |
1.0 | Checkbox | Cover Transaction Fee | CoverTransactionFee | BOOLEAN | N | N | false | |
1.1.0 | Text | Mandate Reference | MandateReference | 36 | N | N | Y | - |
1.1.0 | Date | Mandate Signature Date | MandateSignatureDate | Date | N | N | N | - |
1.1.0 | Text | Hard Copy Reference | HardCopyRecordId | 36 | N | N | N | - |
1.1.0 | Text | Payment Request Reference | PaymentRequestReference | 36 | N | N | Y | - |
Introduced in version | Data Type | Field Label | Field Name | Length | Required | Unique => Case insensitive/Case sensitive | External ID | Default Value |
1.0 | Checkbox | Cover Transaction Fee | CoverTransactionFee | BOOLEAN | N | N | false | |
1.0 | Checkbox | Donation Receipt Requested | DonationReceiptRequested | BOOLEAN | N | N | false | |
1.0 | Text | Crm Fundraiser Identifier | CrmFundraiserIdentifier | 255 | N | Y | - | |
1.0 | Text | Marketing Location | MarketingLocation | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Analytics Channel | AnalyticsChannel | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Currency | Analytics Preselected Amount | AnalyticsPreselectedAmount | 14:2 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Analytics Suggested Amounts | AnalyticsSuggestedAmounts | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Product Name | ProductName | 500 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Product Source Url | ProductSourceUrl | 500 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Solution Name | SolutionName | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Solution Uuid | SolutionUuid | 36 | N | Y | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Transaction Link | TransactionLink | 500 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Donor Message | DonorMessage | 1000 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text Area Long | Attachment | Attachment | 2000 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | Text | Account Uuid | AccountUuid | 36 | Y/Y/N | Y | - | |
1.0 | URL | Donation Receipt Protected Access | DonationReceiptProtectedAccess | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.0 | URL | Donation Receipt Direct Access | DonationReceiptDirectAccess | 255 | N | N | - | |
1.1.0 | Text | Mandate Reference | MandateReference | 36 | N | N | Y | - |
1.1.0 | Date | Mandate Signature Date | MandateSignatureDate | Date | N | N | N | - |
1.1.0 | Text | Hard Copy Reference | HardCopyRecordId | 36 | N | N | N | - |
1.1.0 | Text | Payment Request Reference | PaymentRequestReference | 36 | N | N | Y | - |
1.1.0 | Lookup(Payment Initiation Message) | Pain.008 Payment Initiation Message | PaymentInitiationMessage | - | N | N | Y | - |
1.1.0 | Lookup(Reconciliation Report) | Reconciliation Report | ReconciliationReport | - | N | N | Y | - |
2.0.0 | Picklist | Matching Status | MatchingStatus | Pending, Unmatched, Matched | N | N | N | - |
2.0.0 | Text | Matching Status Reason | MatchingStatusReason | 255 | N | N | N | - |
2.0.0 | Checkbox | Acquirer Payout Received | AcquirerPayoutReceived | BOOLEAN | N | N | N | - |
2.0.0 | Date | Value Date | ValueDate | Date | N | N | N | - |
2.0.0 | Text | Invoice Uuid | InvoiceUuid | 36 | N | N | N | - |
2.0.0 | Text Area Long | Payment Raw Data | PaymentRawData | 2000 | N | N | N | - |
Introduced in version | Data Type | Field Label | Field Name | Length | Required | Unique => Case insensitive/Case sensitive | External ID | Default Value |
1.2.0 | Text | RaiseNow Campaign Key | CampaignKey | 35 | N | Y/Y/N | Y | - |
2.0.0 | Text | Payment Request Reference | PaymentRequestReference | 36 | N | N | Y | - |
Introduced in version | Data Type | Field Label | Field Name | Length | Required | Unique => Case insensitive/Case sensitive | External ID | Default Value |
1.2.0 | Text | RaiseNow Source Code Key | SourceCodeKey | 35 | N | Y/Y/N | Y | - |
2.0.0 | Text | Payment Request Reference | PaymentRequestReference | 36 | N | N | Y | - |
Introduced in version | Data Type | Field Label | Field Name | Length | Required | Unique => Case insensitive/Case sensitive | External ID | Default Value |
1.2.0 | Currency | Acquirer Fees | AcquirerFees | 16:2 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Text | Acquirer Name | AcquirerName | 128 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Text | Acquirer Transfer Date | AcquirerTransferDate | Date | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Text | Acquirer Transfer ID | AcquirerTransferId | 128 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Text | Created At | CreatedAt | Date | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Currency | Gross Amount | GrossAmount | 16:2 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Currency | Net Amount | NetAmount | 16:2 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Number | Number of Chargebacks in Report | NumberOfChargebacksInReport | 18 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Number | Number of Payments in Report | NumberOfPaymentsInReport | 18 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Number | Number of Refunds in Report | NumberOfRefunds | 18 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Number | Number of Reversals in Report | NumberOfReversalsInReport | 18 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Currency | RaiseNow Fees | RaiseNowFees | 16:2 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Text | Recipient Bank Account | RecipientBankAccount | 128 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Text | Recipient Bank Name | RecipientBankName | 128 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Text | Statement Identifier | StatementIdentifier | 128 | N | Y/Y/N | Y | - |
1.2.0 | Currency | Taxes | Taxes | 16:2 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Currency | Transfer Amount | TransferAmount | 16:2 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Date | Value Date | ValueDates | Date | N | N | N | - |
Introduced in version | Data Type | Field Label | Field Name | Length | Required | Unique => Case insensitive/Case sensitive | External ID | Default Value |
1.2.0 | Text | Credited Bank Account | CreditedBankAccount | 40 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Number | Number of Payments | NumberOfPaymentsInFile | 10 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Date | Pain.008 File Created On | Pain008FileCreatedOn | Date | Y | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Text | Pain.008 File Name | Pain008FileName | 80 | Y | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Number | Total Sum of Payments in File | SumOfPaymentsInFile | 8:2 | N | N | N | - |
1.2.0 | Checkbox | Uploaded to Bank | UploadedToBank | BOOLEAN | N | N | N | - |
2.0.0 | Text | Payment Initiation Message identifier | PaymentInitiationMessageIdentifier | 36 | N | N | N | - |