Smart Matching strategies
Definition of payment references on Salesforce objects
Providing a PaymentRequestReference
on following objects gives you the opportunity to directly reference a payment to a specific fundraising case.
RaiseNow will attempt to match payment reference in following order:
Learn more: RaiseNow fields
MatchedStatus & MatchedStatusReason on gift transaction
If a wire transfer directly references an unpaid gift transaction, RaiseNow will set the gift transaction to 'paid', update the amount to the actual payment received, set the processor reference and the MatchedStatus
and MatchedStatusReason
will be updated to indicate that the gift transaction was matched based on a direct reference. Additional data retrieved from the camt file will be provided as in the unmatched case (see below).
If the wire transfer does not directly reference a gift transaction, it will be imported into Salesforce as unmatched
. Leveraging triggers and smart matching strategies, these gift transactions can be matched to existing objects in Salesforce automatically.
Referenced objects
Unmatched cases are delivered as pending matches and will be handled by a beforeCreate trigger defined by RaiseNow and delivered with the RaiseNow managed package. Instead of updating gift transactions, RaiseNow will create them.
The beforeCreate
trigger takes care of matching object and update the gift transaction in following order.
- GiftCommitment
- link the gift transaction
- update the donor and campaign copying values from the matched gift commitment
- CampaignMember
- update the donor and campaign
- OutreachSourceCode
- update the outreach sourcecode and set the parent campaign
- Campaign
- update the campaign
PaymentRawData & payment that cannot be linked to an account
The PaymentRawData
includes values extracted from the camt files and will be delivered for all bank transfer payments. This gives you the ability to implement Salesforce flows for handling special cases like creating the PersonAccount on unpersonalized Campaign
reference payments or save the bank_account number. Future release will provide functionality to match accounts based on the debtor bank account as well as additional matching strategies and combinations of matching strategies.
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