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Fundraising Kit for Salesforce NPSP v1.38.1 - Backend Upgrades v1.19.x

Salesforce NPSP Integration Backend Upgrade v1.19.7/8

Release Date May 13 2024

This update provides further improvements to the changes related to request bulkification.

Reduce batch size to 100 when interacting with Salesforce APIs

This change reduces the batch size from 200 records per batch to 100 records per batch. The large batch size was causing issues for customers with implementations of complex follow-up processes in Salesforce Flow, resulting in exceeded CPU execution time limit exceptions in Salesforce.

Catch an edge case when re-use of reference numbers resulted in creation of multiple payments for the same opportunity

Under a combination of certain conditions, it was possible that RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c linking to an existing Opportunity in Salesforce with StageName "Closed Won" resulted in creation of payments for this Opportunity. Now, a new Opportunity will be created instead.

Salesforce NPSP Integration Backend Upgrade v1.19.6

Release Date April 29 2024

This update provides fixes for various bugs that could occur in edge cases, introduced in v1.19.0.

Fix missing campaign on opportunity created due to a direct marketing campaign payment

This bugfix addresses an issue that primarily occurred when donors reused reference numbers. When the corresponding RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c already pointed to an existing Opportunity, the newly created Opportunity for the new payment was missing the Campaign specified. Now the newly created Opportunity will have the Campaign specified in the RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c.

Fix multiple occurrences of unpersonalized campaign payments being treated as unmatched payments.

This bugfix addresses a problem that occurred when the same unpersonalized payment reference was reported multiple times in the same camt file. Though the first reference was treated correctly, subsequent references were wrongly identified as unmatched references and treated accordingly.

Support mapping for stored_base_record_number for RaiseNow Manager Payments

If a direct debit capture only transaction record in the RaiseNow Manager contains a value for stored_base_record_number, this is now mapped to RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Mandate__c.RaiseNow__Hard_Copy_Reference__c. This change was also backported to v1.18.x.

Set direct debit variant on for RaiseNow Manager Payments

A direct debit capture only transaction record in the RaiseNow Manager will now result in setting "Direct Debit" on RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Variant__c.RaiseNow__Direct_Debit_Variant__c in Salesforce. This change was also backported to v1.18.x

Salesforce NPSP Integration Backend Upgrade v1.19.4

Release Date April 11 2024

This update provides a fix for a bug introduced in v1.19.0.

Fix bug in processing one-off payments for recurring donation

RaiseNow supports treating a one-off payment as an installment for a recurring donation. This is used in the context of face-to-face fundraising. When collecting recurring direct debit donations, fundraisers may offer collection of the initial payment directly via card, PayPal, Google Pay, Apple Pay or some other instant payment method. The bug resulted in data not being transferred to Salesforce.

Salesforce NPSP Integration Backend Upgrade v1.19.3

Release Date March 22 2024

This update provides a bugfix for correctly setting the close date on Opportunities in Salesforce when processing camt files.

Set Opportunity close date according to value date from processed camt file

Update v1.19.0 provided extensive improvements in the processing of camt files. In the course of those improvements, the close date of the Opportunity was set to the processing date of the payment by RaiseNow. Though this is the correct behaviour when processing real time payment methods such as credit cards, for payments generated from processing camt files the closed date must be set according to the value date as reported by the bank. This backend provides an improvement to set the Opportunity Closed Date according to the value date processed from camt files for payment methods:

  • sepa_dd (SEPA Direct Debit)
  • ch_ta (Lsv+)
  • ch_dd (PostFinance Debit Direct)
  • bank_transfer

An additional fix was applied to ensure that the Closed Date was not updated in the course of the settlement reconciliation process.

Catch edge case for payments referencing Recurring Donations that caused duplicate Opportunities to be created

This update addresses an edge case that caused a duplicate Opportunity to be created, if the Business Process Reference (Payment Reference), referenced both a Recurring Donation and an existing Opportunity in Salesforce. The behaviour was now changed to ensure that the Opportunity with the oldest Closed Date for the given Recurring Donation is selected.

If the RaiseNowBusiness_Process_Referencec object does not reference a Recurring Donation but does reference an existing Opportunity with StageName "Closed Won", a new Opportunity will still be created.

Support multiple occurrences of the same reference number in same payment collection batch

With the introduction of unpersonalized campaign references, the same reference now frequently occurs multiple times in the same camt file. If multiple occurrences of the same reference were processed in the same batch during bulk processing of those payments, only the first occurrence of a reference was processed. This bugfix solves that issue to ensure all payments and references are processed correctly.