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SEXTANT Integration v2.12.0

Release Date February 22 2024

This upgrade provides improvements for twint payments with qr-codes.


Backend upgrades are deployed automatically to all customer installations that meet the minimum requirements.

Deliver Twint-QR raw_name and raw_address to SEXTANT

In some cases, a Twint-QR payment may create a payment record with non-normalized values for first name and last name. For example, usually we would expect the following information in a payment record:

"supporter_snapshot": {
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe",

But in the above case the payment records will contain raw_name and raw_address fields such as this:

"supporter_snapshot": {
"raw_name": "Jane Doe",
"raw_address": "Hardturmstrasse 101 # 8005 ZH",

This update concatenates the values for those fields and writes them into the PayerAddressExtension field in the SEXTANT import API.

 "PayerAddressExtension":"Jane Doe # Hardturmstrasse 101 # 8005 ZH"

The PayerAddressExtension will be subjected to name and address validation methods in SEXTANT to extract data and write this directly into the correct columns in the partner record.