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Tamaro v2.8.x


If you are currently using an earlier version of Tamaro, request an upgrade through RaiseNow support. All Tamaro versions 2.8 will automatically be upgraded to the latest version specified here.

Tamaro v2.8.3

Release Date March 21 2024

With this release we can enable an automated donation tax receipt for EPMS donations in your Tamaro widget.

New config options

  • autogeneratedDonationReceiptEnabled
  • organisationCountryCode

Tamaro v2.8.2

Release Date March 07 2024

This release improves the possibilities for custom integrations.


To improve custom integrations like when Tamaro renders only the "Payment Methods" block within an existing custom form, we made the following improvements:

  • Made paymentForm.send method public.
  • Added uiInvalidElementsScope config option.

Tamaro v2.8.1

Release Date March 07 2024

Service update to fix minor bugs and other improvements.

Bug fixes and small improvements

  • Since February 19 2024, the field supporter.email_permission was not present in the EPMS payment object anymore. This was fixed.

Tamaro v2.8.0

Release Date February 19 2024

Service update to fix minor bugs and other improvements.
Breaking change regarding paymentFormPrefill.

Breaking Change

We've made some updates to your payment form configurations, making things more flexible and enhancing the experience for you and your supporters.

In previous versions, when you set up your payment form with specific pre-fill options in the EPMS sections of paymentFormPrefill (e.g. paymentFormPrefill.supporter, paymentFormPrefill.raisenow_parameters, paymentFormPrefill.custom_parameters), those fields were locked in. This meant that if you entered data in the old format used in RaiseNow Manager to replace these pre-set values, the system wouldn't update them. For example, if you had a predefined value in (new format), it wouldn't be updated by any new value entered as (old format).

Here's what's new:

  • You can no longer pre-set any values for paymentFormPrefill.supporter and paymentFormPrefill.payment_information. If you try to set these, they'll be ignored.
  • The system now allows for the dynamic updating of certain fields, no matter if they are from the old (RaiseNow Manager) or new (RaiseNow Hub) format: The sections paymentFormPrefill.raisenow_parameters and paymentFormPrefill.custom_parameters can be overridden by values in the old format and will be automatically mapped to the correct fields in the new format (RaiseNow Hub).

New configuration option

The configuration option onlySubmitVisibleStandardFields has been introduced. If it is set to true, then prefilled standard fields will only be submitted if they are visible to the supporter. It is not possible to submit hidden field values anymore. By default, this option is set to false. In Touchpoint solutions, it is always set to true.