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Supported events


Use the table below for events that are currently supported for the Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud. Note that planned support signals an intention but does not constitute a commitment on the side of RaiseNow to support this event in the future.

raisenow.payments.payment.succeededA succcessful one-off or recurring paymentyes
raisenow.payments.payment.failed (recurring)A failed recurring paymentyes
raisenow.payments.reversal.succeededCredit card charge back or direct debit objectionyes
raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.createdA RaiseNow subscription has been created (but not yet activated)no
raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.activatedA RaiseNow subscription has been activated and will now be charged according to it's scheduleyes
raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.suspendedA RaiseNow subscription has been suspendedyes
raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.cancelledA RaiseNow subscription has been cancelledyes
raisenow.reconciliation.reconciliation_report.createdA RaiseNow reconciliation report has been createdplanned
referenced_invoice_payment_collection.createdA collection of invoice payments has been created and will be matched in the CRMplanned
referenced_campaign_payment_collection.createdA collection of campaign payments has been created and will be transferred to the CRMplanned
referenced_recurring_invoice_payment_collection.createdA collection of invoices for recurring payments has been created and will be transferred to the CRMplanned
referenced_unmatched_payment_collection.createdA collection of payments with unknown references will be transferred to the CRMplanned
invoice_payment_for_identified_installment_collection.createdA collection of invoice payments for identified direct debit installements has been created and will be transferred to the CRMplanned
crm.configuration.changedA RaiseNow configuration was updated in the respective CRMyes
recurring_payment.reactivatedA previously lapsed, paused or closed recurring payment has ben reactivatedplanned
crm.recurring_payment.import_requestedRequest bulk import of recurring payments from the CRM to RaiseNowplanned
crm.recurring_payment.lapsedLapse a recurring payment in the CRMplanned
crm.bulk_import.initiatedA requested bulk import has been validated and is now being
crm.payment_source.charge_requestedExecute a charge against a saved payment method in the CRMno
crm.camt_file.upload_requestedUpload a camt file from the CRM to RaiseNow for processingplanned
crm.subscription.property_change_requestedUpdate properties of a recurring payment, such as the amount or payment scheduleplanned
crm.subscription.cancellation_requestedCancel a recurring payment in the CRMplanned