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EPMS config

You can define options separately for "stage" and "prod" EPMS environments and specify the environment itself using epmsEnv config option.

When debug option is enabled, there is a section "Debug → EPP/EPMS configs" below the widget, where you can:

  • Switch epmsEnv config option value for testing purposes.
  • Explore resolved EPMS config (also accessible in the browser console as a computed getter rnw.tamaro.instance.epmsConfig)

Switching epmsEnv config option value:

  • If set to "stage":
    • epmsStage config option is used to resolve EPMS properties.
    • testMode forcibly resolves as true.
  • If set to "prod":
    • epms config option is used to resolve EPMS properties.
    • testMode resolves as value specified in the root level of config (either true or false).

It's possible to use conditions:

  • For EPMS properties in epms and epmsStage config options.
  • For each specific paymentMethodProfile parameter in epms and epmsStage config options.


Default values, if not explicitly specified, are:

epmsEnv: 'stage',
epms: {
secureFieldsHandler: 'datatrans',
epmsStage: {
accountUuid: 'd71de4f6-e466-40dc-84ce-c1ce20b29b08',
secureFieldsHandler: 'datatrans',