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Fundraising Kit for Salesforce NPSP v1.38.1

Release Date December 15 2023

This upgrade provides performance improvements for generation of payment references and other improvements. Request the installation link from RaiseNow support.

Performance improvements for payment reference generation

The code for generating payment references for campaigns has been completely rewritten to vastly improve performance for payment reference generation and eliminate limitations on the number of campaign members. The limit of 50.000 campaign members for a single campaign no longer applies. The performance has been increased to process approximately 25.000 campaign members in 10 minutes. This is roughly a 10-fold performance increase. These results were measured on our development environments and may very on production environments

If you trigger payment reference generation for multiple campaigns, campaigns will be queued to avoid concurrency issues. New campaigns will be pulled into the queue every 5 minutes. For example, if you trigger payment reference generation for 3 campaigns, it will take a minimum of 10 minutes + time for processing the last campaign for all three campaigns to be processed.

Users will no longer receive the generated .csv via Email. Instead, the email will contain a link to the object in Salesforce where they can download the generated file.

Field deprecation

Due to the end-of-life for the Swiss orange payment slip, the following fields are no longer needed and have been labeled as deprecated. A subsequent release will remove them entirely from the package.


The fields PaymentOptionLine1 & PaymentOptionLine2 are removed from the generated .csv on the campaign.

Improve handling of unsupported installment periods

Weekly installment periods (1 every week, but not bi-weekly) and daily installment periods are now supported. If an unsupported installment period is configured, the default period "Monthly" will be set in Salesforce when creating the recurring donation instead of failing the process.

When processing payments, the installent period for the recurring donation is no longer validated. This addresses a validation problem if the recurring donation already exists in Salesforce.

Add new payment reference type: Non-Personalized Campaign Reference

A new payment reference type Non-Personalized Campaign Reference now adds support for processing unpersonalized campaign references. This reference can be created using a new LWC on the Campaign object. If RaiseNow identifies a payment with this reference, the following objects will be created in Salesforce:

  • Contact (Updated or created according to duplicate detection)
  • Opportunity (referencing the specified campaign)
  • npe01__OppPayment__c
  • RaiseNow__Transaction__c

Other bugfixes and improvements

  • Fix description on RaiseNow__Transaction__c.RaiseNow__Bank_Account to clarify that this is the debtor bank account.
  • Fix description on RaiseNow__Subscription__c.RaiseNow__Bank_Account__c to clarify that this is the debtor bank account.
  • Improve error handling for an Apex exception that occurred if multiple changes were made to a recurring donation and error messages were not sent in English, resulting in an uncaught exception regarding scheduling of Apex jobs.
  • Catch a row lock exception that could occur if payment reference generation for campaigns was in progress while a refernce for a single opportunity was triggered.

Upgrading Instructions

Request installation link for RaiseNow Support. Once you have installed the updated version, please perform these steps:

  • Add Non-Personalized Campaign Reference to the picklist value list on RaiseNow__Business_Process_Reference__c.RaiseNow__Business_Process_Type__c