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An event is an observable occurrence to which other components can react.

RaiseNow events always refer to something that happened to an object, like an update to properties or status. By inspecting an event, it is possible to understand what happened and the new state of the object.

Event names are formed by three parts separated by dots:

  • the first part refers to the general context, e.g. payments;
  • the second part to the object that was created or changed, e.g. payment or refund;
  • the third part to the action that took place, e.g. succeeded or failed.

For a complete integration, it's recommended you subscribe to the following set of events:

  • Payments:
    • raisenow.payments.payment.succeeded to receive information about successful payments
    • raisenow.payments.payment.failed to be notified about e.g. failed subscription charges
    • raisenow.payments.reversal.succeeded to know if a payment has been reversed
  • Subscriptions:
    • raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.created to receive information about created subscriptions
    • raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.activated to know when a subscription was activated
    • raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.suspended to know when a subscription was suspended for some time
    • raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.cancelled to know when a subscription was cancelled
  • Reconciliation:
    • raisenow.reconciliation.reconciliation_report.created to know when a subscription was cancelled
    • raisenow.reconciliation.reconciliation_report.created to know when a reconciliation report was created. This event will be triggered only, if reconciliation services are setup for your organisation.
  • Organisation:
    • raisenow.organisations.organisation.approval_requested to know when a organisation requested approval.
    • raisenow.organisations.organisation.approved to know when a organisation got approved.
    • raisenow.organisations.organisation.declined to know when a organisation got declined.
  • Onboarding:
    • raisenow.onboarding.onboarding_process.created to know when a onboarding process has been created.
    • raisenow.onboarding.onboarding_process.succeeded to know when a onboarding process has succeeded.
    • raisenow.onboarding.onboarding_process.failed to know when a onboarding process has failed.
  • Payment Providers:
    • raisenow.pricing.provider_service_instance.activated to know when a payment provider is activated
    • raisenow.pricing.provider_service_instance.deactivated to know when a payment provider is deactivated

To subscribe to events, find out more about the Webhooks.


The documented events serve illustration purposes only. The exact event body might differ based on factors like the used payment provider and method.


When registering event subscriptions through Event Subscriptions you currently need to supply the event names in a slightly adjusted form:

  • rnw.event.payment_gateway.payment.succeeded
  • rnw.event.payment_gateway.payment.failed
  • rnw.event.subscription_service.subscription.created
  • rnw.event.subscription_service.subscription.activated
  • rnw.event.subscription_service.subscription.suspended
  • rnw.event.subscription_service.subscription.cancelled


Learn more about the Concept of Payments.


This event is fired whenever a payment is succeeded.


This event is also triggered for payments belonging to a subscription. In this case, the fields created_subscription_uuid and charged_subscription_uuid are defined.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.payments.payment.succeeded",
"timestamp": 1682805693200,
"object": "payment",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"test_mode": true,
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"provider_profile_uuid": "<uuid>",
"method_profile_uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_method": "<payment method identifier>",
"payment_provider": "<payment provider identifier>",
"wallet_type": null,
"bank_transfer_type": null,
"created": "1682805691",
"last_status": "succeeded",
"last_status_reason": "succeeded",
"last_status_timestamp": "1682805693",
"amount": 8000,
"currency_identifier": "CHF",
"charged_payment_source_uuid": "<uuid>",
"charged_subscription_uuid": "<uuid>",
"invoice_uuid": "<uuid>",
"charge_attempt_uuid": "<uuid>",
"charged_by": null,
"created_payment_source_uuid": null,
"created_subscription_uuid": null,
"supporter_uuid": "<uuid>",
"status_history": [
"status": "pending",
"reason": "new",
"timestamp": "1682805691"
"status": "succeeded",
"reason": "succeeded",
"timestamp": "1682805693"
"additional_identifiers": [],
"metadata": [".."],
"has_refunds": false,
"refunds": [],
"has_reversals": false,
"reversals": [],
"custom_parameters": {},
"raisenow_parameters": {
"integration": {
"donation_receipt_requested": "false"
"product": {
"name": "tamaro",
"version": "<version>",
"uuid": "<identifier>",
"source_url": "<a url pointing to the product used>"
"cover_fee": {
"fixed": "0",
"percentage": "0"
"analytics": {
"preselected_amount": "8000",
"suggested_amounts": "[]",
"user_agent": "<user agent string>"
"supporter_snapshot": {
"supporter_uuid": "<uuid>",
"salutation": "mr",
"first_name": "John",
"last_name": "Doe",
"street": "Frankfurter Allee 56",
"postal_code": "12047",
"city": "Berlin",
"country": "DE",
"email": "",
"metadata": {
"language": "en"
"custom_parameters": {},
"raisenow_parameters": {
"integration": {
"opt_in": {
"email": false
"locale": "en"
"pricing": null


This event is fired for any failed payment.


This event is also triggered for payments belonging to a subscription. In this case, the fields created_subscription_uuid and charged_subscription_uuid are defined.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.payments.payment.failed",
"timestamp": 1564045693511,
"object": "payment",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"amount": 100,
"created": "1591280911",
"refunds": [],
"metadata": [],
"test_mode": true,
"has_refunds": false,
"last_status": "failed",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"cancellations": [],
"payment_method": "<payment method identifier>",
"status_history": [
"reason": "new",
"status": "pending",
"timestamp": "1591280911"
"reason": "pending",
"status": "pending",
"timestamp": "1591280912"
"reason": "user_timeout",
"status": "failed",
"timestamp": "1591282766"
"payment_provider": "<payment provider identifier>",
"customer_snapshot": {},
"has_cancellations": false,
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"last_status_reason": "user_timeout",
"supporter_snapshot": {},
"currency_identifier": "CHF",
"method_profile_uuid": "<uuid>",
"last_status_timestamp": "1591282766",
"provider_profile_uuid": "<uuid>"


Learn more about the Concept of Reversals


Fired whenever a reversal is succeeded.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.payments.reversal.succeeded",
"timestamp": 1683015037809,
"object": "reversal",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"payment_uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_method": "<payment method identifier>",
"method_profile_uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_provider": "<payment provider identifier>",
"test_mode": false,
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"amount": -18000,
"currency": "CHF",
"created": 1683015037,
"metadata": [],
"status_history": [
"status": "succeeded",
"created": 1683015037


Learn more about the Concept of Subscriptions.


This is fired whenever a subscription is created. Depending on your implementation and use case, it may suffice if your application listens to raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.activated only.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.created",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"object": "subscription",
"timestamp": 1677660370561,
"securityContext": {},
"data": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"amount": 2145,
"status": "pending",
"created": 1677660370,
"currency": "CHF",
"timezone": "UTC",
"charged_by": "raisenow",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_method": "<payment method identifier>",
"supporter_uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_provider": "<payment provider identifier>",
"custom_parameters": {},
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"subscription_plan": {
"name": "raisenow global default plan",
"uuid": "<uuid>"
"recurring_interval": "<cron interval>",
"payment_source_uuid": "<uuid>",
"raisenow_parameters": {},
"consecutive_failed_invoices": 0


This event is fired, when a subscription is activated.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.activated",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"object": "subscription",
"timestamp": 1677660371291,
"securityContext": {},
"data": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"amount": 2145,
"status": "active",
"created": 1677660370,
"currency": "CHF",
"timezone": "UTC",
"charged_by": "raisenow",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"next_due_date": 1677888060,
"payment_method": "<payment method identifier>",
"supporter_uuid": "<uuid>",
"effective_since": 1677628800,
"payment_provider": "<payment provider identifier>",
"custom_parameters": {},
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"subscription_plan": {
"name": "raisenow global default plan",
"uuid": "<uuid>"
"recurring_interval": "<cron interval>",
"payment_source_uuid": "<uuid>",
"raisenow_parameters": {},
"consecutive_failed_invoices": 0


This event is fired, when a subscription is suspended.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.suspended",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"object": "subscription",
"timestamp": 1677660371291,
"securityContext": {},
"data": {
"amount": 2100,
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"suspension_end": 1685577599,
"effective_since": 1677628800,
"suspension_start": 1683072000,
"created": 1677660370,
"timezone": "UTC",
"charged_by": "raisenow",
"custom_parameters": {},
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"supporter_uuid": "<uuid>",
"subscription_plan": {
"name": "raisenow global default plan",
"uuid": "<uuid>"
"raisenow_parameters": {},
"consecutive_failed_invoices": 0,
"next_due_date": 1685836860,
"payment_source_uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_provider": "<payment provider identifier>",
"currency": "CHF",
"recurring_interval": "<cron interval>",
"payment_method": "<payment method identifier>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"status": "active"


This event is fired whenever a subscription is cancelled.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.subscriptions.subscription.cancelled",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"object": "subscription",
"timestamp": 1677660371291,
"securityContext": {},
"data": {
"amount": 2100,
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"effective_since": 1677628800,
"suspension_start": 1683072000,
"created": 1677660370,
"timezone": "UTC",
"charged_by": "raisenow",
"custom_parameters": {},
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"supporter_uuid": "<uuid>",
"subscription_plan": {
"name": "raisenow global default plan",
"uuid": "<uuid>"
"raisenow_parameters": {},
"consecutive_failed_invoices": 0,
"payment_source_uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_provider": "<payment provider identifier>",
"currency": "CHF",
"recurring_interval": "<cron interval>",
"payment_method": "<payment method identifier>",
"ended_at": 1683034645,
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"status": "cancelled"

Charge Attempts

Learn more about the concept of Subscriptions and Charge Attempts.


This event is fired, whenever a subscription charge has failed.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.subscriptions.charge_attempt.failed",
"timestamp": 1682805703926,
"object": "charge_attempt",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"subscription": {
"raisenow_parameters": {
"product": {
"name": "tamaro",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"version": "<version>",
"source_url": "<a url pointing to the product used>"
"analytics": {
"user_agent": "<user agent string>",
"suggested_amounts": "[]",
"preselected_amount": "2000"
"integration": {
"donation_receipt_requested": "false"
"custom_parameters": {},
"recurring_interval": "<cron interval>",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"supporter_uuid": "<uuid>",
"subscription_plan": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow global default plan"
"charged_by": "raisenow",
"payment_source_uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_provider": "<payment provider identifier>",
"payment_method": "<payment method identifier>",
"created": 1669387784,
"effective_since": 1669334400,
"amount": 120200,
"currency": "EUR",
"timezone": "Europe/Berlin",
"next_due_date": 1682892060,
"consecutive_failed_invoices": 0,
"status": "active"
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"payment_uuid": "<uuid>",
"invoice": {
"raisenow_parameters": {
"product": {
"name": "tamaro",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"version": "<version>",
"source_url": "<a url pointing to the product used>"
"analytics": {
"user_agent": "<user agent string>",
"suggested_amounts": "[]",
"preselected_amount": "2000"
"integration": {
"donation_receipt_requested": "false"
"custom_parameters": {
"rnw_recurring_interval_name": "monthly",
"rnw_recurring_interval_text": "Monthly"
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"created": 1682805666,
"status": "open",
"amount": 120200,
"refunded_amount": 0,
"currency": "EUR",
"failed_payment_attempts": 1,
"is_manually_created": false,
"status_reason": "new"
"status": "failed",
"created": 1682805668


Report Created

This event is fired, whenever a new reconciliation report is created.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.reconciliation.reconciliation_report.created",
"timestamp": 1697778049036,
"object": "reconciliation_report",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"acquirer_name": "<acquirer name>",
"acquirer_account": null,
"acquirer_transfer_id": "<acquirer transfer id>",
"acquirer_transfer_date": "1697673600",
"bank_name": "",
"bank_transfer_id": null,
"bank_account": "<creditor account iban>",
"payments_count": 2,
"refunds_count": 0,
"chargebacks_count": 0,
"reversals_count": 0,
"gross_amount": 2000,
"net_amount": 1800,
"acquirer_fees": 200,
"raisenow_fees": 0,
"taxes": 0,
"transfer_amount": 1800,
"currency": "<currency>",
"value_date": "1697673600",
"created": "1697778048",
"bank_statements_uris": [],
"acquirer_statements_uris": [],
"method_profile_uuid": "<uuid>",
"generic_debits_count": 0


Approval Requested

This event is fired, whenever a organisation has initiated the process of being approved.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.organisations.organisation.approval_requested",
"timestamp": 1697778049036,
"object": "organisation",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"name": "organisation name",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"active": false,
"locale": "de_CH",
"created": 1730987537,
"accounts": [
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"metadata": [],
"addresses": []
"metadata": [
"name": "some_name",
"value": "some_value"
"addresses": [
"city": "Some City",
"type": "main",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"created": 1730988252,
"postal_code": "0000",
"country_code": "CH",
"address_line1": "Some Street 11",
"address_line2": ""
"city": "Another City",
"type": "billing",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"created": 1730988252,
"postal_code": "0000",
"country_code": "CH",
"address_line1": "Some Other Street 54",
"address_line2": ""
"website_url": "",
"approval_status": "approval_pending",
"merchant_category_code": "7997"

Organisation Approved

This event is fired, whenever an organisation has been approved.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.organisations.organisation.approved",
"timestamp": 1697778049036,
"object": "organisation",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"name": "organisation name",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"active": false,
"locale": "de_CH",
"created": 1730987537,
"accounts": [
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"metadata": [],
"addresses": []
"metadata": [
"name": "some_name",
"value": "some_value"
"addresses": [
"city": "Some City",
"type": "main",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"created": 1730988252,
"postal_code": "0000",
"country_code": "CH",
"address_line1": "Some Street 11",
"address_line2": ""
"city": "Another City",
"type": "billing",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"created": 1730988252,
"postal_code": "0000",
"country_code": "CH",
"address_line1": "Some Other Street 54",
"address_line2": ""
"website_url": "",
"approval_status": "approved",
"merchant_category_code": "7997"

Organisation Declined

This event is fired, whenever an organisation approval request has been declined.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.organisations.organisation.declined",
"timestamp": 1697778049036,
"object": "organisation",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"name": "organisation name",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"active": false,
"locale": "de_CH",
"created": 1730987537,
"accounts": [
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"metadata": [],
"addresses": []
"metadata": [
"name": "some_name",
"value": "some_value"
"addresses": [
"city": "Some City",
"type": "main",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"created": 1730988252,
"postal_code": "0000",
"country_code": "CH",
"address_line1": "Some Street 11",
"address_line2": ""
"city": "Another City",
"type": "billing",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"created": 1730988252,
"postal_code": "0000",
"country_code": "CH",
"address_line1": "Some Other Street 54",
"address_line2": ""
"website_url": "",
"approval_status": "declined",
"merchant_category_code": "7997"


Onboarding Process Created

This event is fired, whenever a onboarding process has been created.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.onboarding.onboarding_process.created",
"timestamp": 1697778049036,
"object": "onboarding_process",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"status": "pending",
"created": 1732544348,
"expires_at": 1732546148,
"partner_organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"onboarding_configuration_uuid": "<uuid>"

Onboarding Process Succeeded

This event is fired, whenever a onboarding process has succeeded.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.onboarding.onboarding_process.succeeded",
"timestamp": 1697778049036,
"object": "onboarding_process",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"status": "succeeded",
"created": 1732544348,
"expires_at": 1732546148,
"partner_organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"onboarding_configuration_uuid": "<uuid>"

Onboarding Process Failed

This event is fired, whenever a onboarding process has failed (internal bug).

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.onboarding.onboarding_process.failed",
"timestamp": 1697778049036,
"object": "onboarding_process",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"status": "failed",
"created": 1732544348,
"expires_at": 1732546148,
"partner_organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"onboarding_configuration_uuid": "<uuid>"

Payment Providers

Payment Provider Activated

This event is fired, whenever a Payment Service Provider merchant gets activated, and can process payments. The merchant is either activated immediately after onboarding or takes some time until their information is verified on the payment service provider side.

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.pricing.provider_service_instance.activated",
"timestamp": "<date>",
"object": "provider_service_instance",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"provider_profile_uuid": "<uuid>",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"status": "active",
"name": "<string>",
"provider_name": "<string>",
"details": {
"supported_payment_methods": {
"<payment_method_name>": {
"status": "<available|unavailable>"
"payment_method_services": [
"provider_name": "<string>",
"provider_service_uuid": "<uuid>",
"method_name": "<string>",
"profile": "<uuid>",
"test_mode": "<bool>",
"status": "<string>",
"parameters": []

Payment Provider Deactivated

This event is fired, whenever a Payment Service Provider merchant is deactivated, and can not process payments any further. The payload is similar to the activated event, but with "status: "inactive", i.e.,

"event": {
"id": "<uuid>",
"name": "raisenow.pricing.provider_service_instance.deactivated",
"timestamp": 1697778049036,
"object": "provider_service_instance",
"object_uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": null,
"securityContext": [],
"data": {
"provider_profile_uuid": "<uuid>",
"uuid": "<uuid>",
"organisation_uuid": "<uuid>",
"account_uuid": "<uuid>",
"status": "inactive",
"name": "<string>",
"provider_name": "<string>",
"details": {
"supported_payment_methods": {
"<payment_method_name>": {
"status": "<available|unavailable>"
"payment_method_services": [
"provider_name": "<string>",
"provider_service_uuid": "<uuid>",
"method_name": "<string>",
"profile": "<uuid>",
"test_mode": "<bool>",
"status": "<string>",
"parameters": []